Testing Couverture-QEMU
The RTEMS Tester work using coverage has been left aside for the moment. This post details the testing of Couverture-QEMU against the RSB built QEMU without the coverage flag being passed to rtems-test.
The Xilinx Zynq A9 BSP is built with:
$HOME/development/rtems/kernel/rtems/configure \
--prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.12 \
--target=arm-rtems4.12 \
--enable-rtemsbsp=xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu \
make install
When running the testsuite with rtems-test it produces qemu.cfg errors as before. These error messages produce exit codes that aren’t standardized and are more of a general error message which is not much to go on. I found a useful flag –report-mode=all to add to rtems-test runs that produces a more detailed error log. This produced:
(process:30369): GLib-WARNING ** /build/glib2.0-prJhLS/glib2.0-2.48.2/./glib/ gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
qemu: hardware error: gic_cpu_write: Bad offset 100
CPU #0:
R00=400001d3 R01=00000000 R02=00000000 R03=f8f00200
R04=400001d3 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00100fe0
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000
R12=00000000 R13=00100fe0 R14=00000705 R15=000006c8
PSR=600001f3 -ZC- T svc32
Now there was a neccessary patch to get Couverture-qemu to build from the previous work that swapped ‘gthread-2.0’ for ‘glib-2.0’ that might be a problem. I also found that the problem first arose in glib-2.46.0 so maybe forcing the use of an earlier version would work. I found some patches from mainline qemu to fix the GLib warning. It was caused because GLib removed support for malloc vtable because it broke when constructors called g_malloc. The patches fix was to remove malloc tracing, I was worried that this might have negative effects on the coverage analysis ability as it reduces trace information. After this I am still left with the ‘gic_cpu_write..’ problem.
Luckily I got talking to one of the Couverture-Qemu devs and he told me that they hadn’t updated the default branch for the source download. So there was actually a newer stable release which fixed all of the above problems. If I wasn’t such a git novice I probably would have figued this out myself. I had been using ‘git remote show’ and thought this is showing me what was available but I needed ‘git ls-remote’ to see all the possible remote branches. There was ‘ref/heads/qemu-stable-2.4.1’ and in order to retrieve that I needed ‘git checkout -b qemu-stable-2.4.1 origin/qemu-stable-2.4.1’. All of the above problems disappeared and none of the patches were now needed. It did introduce a few new dependencies for my system ‘libpixman-1-dev’ and ‘libfdt-dev’
The testing consisted of running hello.exe by hand and passing different options to it to determine the correct options and then running the testsuite with RTEMS Tester for both RSB-QEMU and Couverture-Qemu. Adjust the qemu options if most results were invalid or timed out. If a BSP had no current support in RTEMS Tester I would add a bsp.mc file to handle the qemu options.
There were 3 BSPS that produced good results almost entirely agreeing between RSB-Qemu and Couverture-Qemu.
- ARM: xilinx zynq a9 qemu
- ARM: realview pbx a9 qemu
- SPARC: Leon 3
qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -kernel...
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:00.559658
Testing time : 0:00:07.275561
Passed: 551
Failed: 5
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 2
Invalid: 1
Total: 566
Average test time: 0:00:00.652736
Testing time : 0:06:09.448995
qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -serial null -serial mon:stdio -nographic -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -kernel...
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:00.560756
Testing time : 0:00:07.289829
Passed: 545
Failed: 4
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 9
Invalid: 1
Total: 566
Average test time: 0:00:01.168632
Testing time : 0:11:01.445923
qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -M realview-pbx-a9 -kernel...
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:01.656712
Testing time : 0:00:21.537256
Passed: 547
Failed: 3
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 8
Invalid: 1
Total: 566
Average test time: 0:00:01.175699
Testing time : 0:11:05.445813
qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -M realview-pbx-a9 -kernel...
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:00.617387
Testing time : 0:00:08.026043
Passed: 553
Failed: 4
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 1
Invalid: 1
Total: 566
Average test time: 0:00:00.671176
Testing time : 0:06:19.886106
Leon 3
qemu-system-sparc -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -net none -M leon3_generic -kernel...
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:03.679456
Testing time : 0:00:47.832933
Passed: 543
Failed: 3
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 9
Invalid: 3
Total: 565
Average test time: 0:00:01.693401
Testing time : 0:15:56.771872
Passed: 11
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 0
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:03.679446
Testing time : 0:00:47.832800
Passed: 544
Failed: 2
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 9
Invalid: 3
Total: 565
Average test time: 0:00:01.739428
Testing time : 0:16:22.777222
For the folowing 4 BSPS qemu runs the tests but fails to exit and so the tests time out. If I run hello.exe by hand it hangs on the line ‘end of test hello world’ and must be manually exited (crtl+c). This turns into tests timing out in RTEMS Tester.
Hello World
qemu: terminating on signal 2
The BSPS affected are
ARM: lm3s6965_qemu
i386: PC386
LM32: lm32_evr
MIPS: malta
A note on PC386, Couverture-Qemu reacts as above but passes the test instead of a timeout. RSB-Qemu hangs just before the hello world output and must be manually exited. When hello.exe is run both take 3 minutes, RSB-Qemu times out and Couverture-Qemu passes it. I ran the entire testsuite with Couverture-qemu because it appeared to have valid results i.e not many invalid or timed out. It took 7 hours and a lot of tests passed that probably should have timed out.
qemu-system-i386 -m 128 -boot b -hda path_to/rtems-boot.img -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -append "--console=com1;boot;"
Passed: 9
Failed: 0
User Input: 1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 0
Timeout: 2
Invalid: 1
Total: 13
Average test time: 0:00:14.133522
Testing time : 0:03:03.735787
Passed: 485
Failed: 0
User Input: 4
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark: 3
Timeout: 74
Invalid: 0
Total: 566
Average test time: 0:00:44.922802
Testing time : 7:03:46.305933
There was 2 other exceptions lm32: milkymist BSP fails to run hello.exe due to an audio driver issue
qemu-system-lm32 -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio -nographic -net none -M milkymist -kernel $HOME/development/rtems/milkymist/lm32-rtems4.12/c/milkymist/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
audio: Could not init `oss' audio driver
Warning: nic milkymist-minimac2.0 has no peer
The other was PowerPC: qemuprep which qemu fails to boot as no boot partition is found. I tried to boot it from a floppy disk image with
qemu-system-ppc -boot a -fda ./rtems-boot.img -m 20MB -append "console=/dev/com1" -serial stdio -no-reboot -kernel $HOME/development/rtems/qemuprep/powerpc-rtems4.12/c/qemuprep/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
It still found no boot partition. I filed tickets for all these issues 1, 2 and 3. I now have 3 BSPS to build my RTEMS Tester coverage work on and to test with. The other BSPS can be sorted out later on. I will now begin the work of switching the RTEMS Source Builder to build Couverture-Qemu as the standard RTEMS QEMU variant.